After a Meeting

  • Update the post for the previous meeting:
    • Edit the Published On date to be the actual meeting date and time
    • Change the title to e.g. “March 2019 Meeting – speaker or workshop name
    • Uncheck the Upcoming category
    • Revise the text to past tense
    • Add the Assignment, Share, and Critique photos
    • Add the “gallery-2018-2019” tag
  • Create a new post for the next meeting
    • Set the title to “Meeting – Tue. mm/dd @ 6:30 pm”
    • Check the Meetings and Upcoming categories and uncheck Uncategorized
    • Write the meeting information:
      • At the top write: “Our next meeting will be on Tuesday [month]DDth from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the Mellon Room at the Northeast Harbor Library.”
      • Insert Presentation and Assignment sections using Heading 3 for the titles
    • Edit the permalink to end with month-yyyy-meeting e.g. “march-2019-meeting”
  • Update the post for the previous outing
    • Edit the Published On date to the actual outing date and time
    • Change the title to e.g. “October 2018 Outing – College of the Atlantic”
    • Uncheck the Upcoming category
    • Revise the text to past tense
    • Add the outing to the Club Outings page if not already there
    • Add the outing photos
    • Add the “gallery-2018-2019” tag
  • Create a new post for the next outing
    • Set the title to e.g. “Outing – Sat. 12/3 @ 1 pm”
    • Check the Outings and Upcoming categories
    • Write the outing information
    • Edit the permalink to end with month-yyyy-outing e.g. “november-2018-outing”
  • Edit dates so posts appear in the right order in Upcoming Events
    • WordPress displays posts in order from newest to oldest Published On date. You cannot set the dates to the actual meeting and outing dates because WordPress won’t display posts with dates in the future. To workaround this problem:
      • Set the outing date to today’s date
      • Set the meeting date to yesterday’s date.
    • The above will cause WordPress to display the outing first because it has the newest date
    • Verify that the events appear in the correct order, and if not, adjust the dates accordingly
  • Update the Past Activities table
    • Click TablePress in the left menu
    • Edit the Past Activities table for the current year
    • Edit the appropriate month to provide the meeting speaker/workshop and outing location


Annual Exhibit

After the Annual Exhibit, remove the links section at the top of the right sidebar:

Go to Appearance -> Widgets and expand the text widget at the top right

Set the following options:

Remove the links on the Activities menu if desired.

A few weeks or months before the next Annual Exhibit, add the text widget  to the top right of the sidebar. Delete the criteria from the options above and choose Show.

Update the content on these pages:

  • Members Photography Exhibit – page for annual exhibit content
  • Student Photo Contest – page for student photo contest information



  • Updates to reflect new officers
  • Update the /meetings page to show this year’s meetings.
  • Review/revise all pages as necessary to reflect change in the past year
  • Add new year to the Past Activities page (need to first create a new table for the year)
  • Create a new gallery tag for the new year
  • Add a new Gallery year page (need to first ‘Create a copy’ of the previous year’s gallery grid and set its tag to the new year)
  • Add the new gallery year page to the Gallery menu
  • Exclude the ID of the new gallery year page from the More Information pages widget
  • Update this page as necessary