Marshal Point Wagon Wheel – Mike Taylor

Photographer Mike Taylor was the featured speaker at our April 10th meeting.

Using slides, graphics, and examples of his work, Mike Taylor discussed how photography at night differs from other photography. He focused on Landscape Astrophotography, and shared dozens of night sky images (many from Maine!) in great detail to help us to learn more techniques to plan, create and process these photos.

Mike Taylor’s landscape astrophotography and scenic/nature images & articles have been featured on NASA’s Astronomy Picture Of The Day, Huffington Post, The Weather Channel, NBC News, Viral Nova,,, Down East magazine, UNILAD, Outdoor Photography Magazine, Yahoo! News,,,,,, and multiple other science websites and social media pages. Mike is also a contributing member of the International Dark-Sky Association and he has been working in conjunction with their organization to help raise public awareness of artificial light pollution and its negative effects on human health, wildlife, safety and energy waste.

You can learn more about Mike and see some more of his images at his website.

The assignment for the April meeting was “Main St., Bar Harbor.

Photographers shared these images:

And submitted these images for discussion and critique


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