
Jennifer Booher discussed her recent documentary project for the MDI Historical Society, “Stained Glass of Mount Desert Island.” Ms. Booher was the MDIHS Artist-in-Residence for 2019. Photographs from the project are on exhibit at the Selectmen’s Building in Somesville and were published in the Society’s annual journal, Chebacco. Her talk will cover organization and execution of a complex documentary project, technical aspects of photographing stained glass, a brief introduction to examples of stained glass on the island, and design and installation of a museum exhibition.


For our past couple of meetings, members have been sharing with each other their favorite photographs by other photographers.  The assignment for the February meeting was to replicate one of your favorite photographs.  The goal here is not to make an exact copy, but rather to challenge yourself to look closely at how one of your favorite images was created and try to replicate the critical elements.  What is the quality of light? Where is the light coming from? What’s in the background? Are there shadows? What’s the angle of view? What’s the relationship of the subject to the frame? Have fun!



Members shared these images from their adventures over the past month.



Members asked for commentary on these images.

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