Eric J. Uberseder gave a talk entitled “Astonishing Photos Hidden in Plain Sight.”
For nearly five decades Uberseder has passionately pursued photography in nearly every genre,
including working as a professional wedding and portrait photographer outside of Philadelphia. But
since 2011, when he retired from being a counseling psychologist and took up permanent residence
in Bar Harbor, Uberseder has focused on creating highly polished and intriguing closeup or macro
photographs of dead or dying flowers, grains of salt, kitchen utensils or other commonplace items.
His photos tend to elicit surprise or an “Oh wow!” response in viewers, despite how ordinary their
subjects are. 
Uberseder will share how he finds his “Oh wow” photographs in the rough,  the equipment he uses to
bring these photos out of hiding, and the elaborate editing techniques that can take them from merely
beautiful to astonishing.  
When he’s not trying to surprise viewers with unusual photographs, Uberseder is learning to play the
classical bari-tenor ukulele. Along with his spouse Linda, who plays the mountain dulcimer, and a
quirky  chocolate Labrador retriever named RijL on the piano forte, they offer an interesting,  though
not ready for prime time, ensemble.


The following images were submitted for Critique, a supportive conversation among members to help a photographer achieve their vision.


Members submitted these images in response to the Club’s summer scavenger hunt assignment, which was to:

1. Photograph something red

2. Make a photograph using intentional camera movement

3. Photograph a tree

4. Make an image using triangles in your composition

5. Incorporate lens flare into a photograph

6. Take a photograph through a window

7. Make an abstract image

8. Photograph an animal (yes, people are animals)

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