Our next outing will be on Saturday, September 28th at Birch Bay Village from 9-11am. 

We will be conducting an informal portrait session with Birch Bay residents.  We have informed them that we are not professional portrait photographers but we can hopefully have a fun and interesting time and maybe even produce some good portraits from the session.  

It will be very important to personally connect with the residents by talking with them before photographing to help put them at ease. Please be cognizant that big/large lenses might intimidate the residents we will be photographing, so consider bringing just a prime lens, rather than a zoom.

During the session, we will most likely pair up where one member serves as the photographer while the other helps with lighting and staging, then we can switch off.  Bring a tripod and any light reflectors if you have any. We also recommend not using flashes as the flashing light could also be unnerving to some people. Birch Bay staff will print the images we take and frame them for the residents.