Our speaker was Emma Ressel, an accomplished photographer who works with a large format view camera to make jarring and visceral still life photographs, casting food and taxidermy as active narrators to disrupt our assumptions about attraction and repulsion. She grew up and went to school in Bar Harbor and holds a BA in Photography from Bard College. Ressel has exhibited internationally at galleries and contributes photographs to publications including The New Yorker, New York Times magazine, Refinery 29, and Philadelphia Magazine. Her work is in the permanent collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Her website is: https://www.emmaressel.com/
The Camera Sees a Garden of Earthly Delights: Surreal Still Life Photographs
Emma presented her recent projects to build still life tableaus that function as fictional worlds populated with food, plants, animals, and taxidermy She also discussed her image-making process and shared her professional work, which includes editorial food and still life photography for major publications.
At each meeting, members have the option to ask for constructive feedback on one of their images. Members submitted these images for critique.
Our challenge this month was to apply (or break!) the rule of odds. The rule of odds is that generally if you have more than one of an item in your photo that you should try to have an odd number of the item in your photo.
Members shared these additional images from their travels this month.
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