Our Tuesday March 14th meeting was cancelled due to a blizzard.
NEW FORMAT – Learning through the Lens
For the March meeting, we are trying a new segment “Learning through the Lens.” We’re hoping for broad participation across all club members. If you missed the February meeting, you can view the LTTL presentation here: LTTL Composition Feb 2017
This month, we’ll focus on four components of Composition: Background, Lines, Rule of Thirds and Perspective/Viewpoint. The photos submitted will be discussed to help us to learn from each other.
Please submit TWO photos, each one demonstrating one of the components -or- two related photos that demonstrate an attempt and an improvement in one of the four areas. These photos need not be new; take time to browse your computer’s picture gallery. Please submit your photos as usual but label with the component you’re demonstrating and your name, e.g.
- Simons Assignment Viewpoint 1.jpg
- Simons Assignment Viewpoint 2.jpg